Six ways to check the quality of Phase Stable Cable/Phase Matched Cable(1)

Published by admin 2022-07-29

The quality of Phase Stable Cable has a direct impact on signal transmission and unwanted losses. The standard Phase Stable Cable has a very rounded cross section. The outer shield and aluminium foil of the Phase Stable Cable are applied to the outer surface of the insulating medium. The more rounded the outer surface of the dielectric, the better it will perform in general. Here is how to test it together.

                               phase stable cable, phase matched cable, 2.92mm cable assembly
First, observe the roundness of the insulation media: the standard Phase Stable Cable cross-section is very round, Phase Stable Cable outer shield, aluminium foil attached to the outer surface of the insulation media, the more rounded the outer surface of the media, the smaller the gap between the aluminium foil and its appearance, the less round the gap is larger. It has been proven that the smaller the gap, the better the performance of Phase Stable Cable. In addition, the large gap is easy for air to invade the shielding layer and affect the service life of Phase Stable Cable.

                              phase stable cable. phase matched cable, 2.92mm cable assembly
Second, test the consistency of the coaxial Phase Stable Cable insulation medium: coaxial Phase Stable Cable insulation medium diameter fluctuations mainly affect the Phase Stable Cable return coefficient, this check can be dissected out of a section of Phase Stable Cable insulation medium, using a micrometer to carefully check the outer diameter of each point to see if it whether it is consistent.                         

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Related Article:

1. Six ways to check the quality of Phase Stable Cable/Phase Matched Cable(2)

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